Source code and data for open source data science.
List of projects
1) university_sexcrimes
Analysis of data on sex crimes in US university campuses.
2) heart_disease_risk_prediction
Predicting heart disease risk from open data.
3) cancer_mortality_prediction
Predicting cancer survival using logistic regression from open data.
4) predicting_news_popularity
Predicting popularity of news articles from open data.
5) opensource_mapping_project
Open source mapping project.
6) astroinformatics
Analysis of astronomy data using machine learning techniques.
7) scientific_collaboration
Project to analyze planetary scale scientific collaboration data.
8) accident_prediction
Road accident forecasting and data exploration project.
Interactive website using shiny at:
9) patterns_in_crime
Predicting patterns of crime using data science. Larger cities have disproportionately more crime per capita compared to smaller cities (super-linear scaling of crime). We used techniques from dynamical systems and complex systems to explain the super-linear scaling of crime in cities and other socio-technological systems
10) spam_classification
Building an SVM based spam classifier trained on data from the UCI repository
11) breast_cancer_prediction
Downloads data from the UCI machine learning repository to make predictions
for breast cancer. A few features turn out to be really important for prediction like epithelial cell size. This uses a random forest.
12) funding_trends_science
Project to analyze data on funding trends in biomedical science.
13) infectious_disease_prediction
Project to analyze data on emerging infectious diseases.
14) forecasting_imports
Project to forecast imports and model supply chains.
15) deep_learning_basic
Basic deep learning model using keras for prediction.
16) ai_healthcare
Machine learning and AI applied to healthcare.
17) ai_social_good
Machine learning, data science and AI for social good.
18) ai_bigdata_biology
Machine learning and bioinformatics for big data in biology.
19) browser_based_data_science
Browser based data science for democratic access to data science tools.
20) clinical_informatics
Open source privacy-preserving clinical informatics.
21) policy_paper_general_public
Policy paper for general public on Ethical Artificial Intelligence (EAI) for social good.
22) nlp
Resources, code and data for natural language processing.
23) self_organising_map_wine_dataset
A self organising map (SOM) on the UCI wine dataset using the Orange data science tool.
24) outreach
Outreach for machine learning and AI for general public
25) teaching_resources
Teaching resources for machine learning, data science and AI for a general audience
What is this repository for?
- Quick summary
- Open source code and data for open source data science.
If you use this code, please cite the paper and code
Citizen Data Science for Social Good: Case Studies and Vignettes from Recent Projects
Citizen Data Science for Social Good in Complex Systems, Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 16(1):88-91, 2018
Banerjee, Soumya. (2017, September 3). Citizen Data Science for Social Good: Case Studies and Vignettes from Recent Projects (Supplementary Resources). Zenodo.
These projects are an example of my approach to data science for good. I work very closely with domain experts and stakeholders and use computational tools for good. I outline my design and work philosophy below.
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Soumya Banerjee