
Miscellaneous R support functions

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Miscellaneous R support functions

Credit Rudolf Cardinal

Additional code by Soumya Banerjee



Miscellaneous R support functions for data science and machine learning.

Credit Rudolf Cardinal




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cris$visualize_fixed_effects_from_lmer(name of lmer or glmer model)

cris$fixed_effects_from_lmer(name of lmer or glmer model)


logistic_regression_roc_curve_withCV.R logistic regression model with CV cross validation and plotting of log-odds odds ratios and AUPR and AUC curves

survival_analysis_example.rmd script for survival analysis

rmarkdown_analysis_template.rmd template R markdown for reproducible analysis

heatmap_script.R script for heatmap

fn_redorder_dendrogram.R script for reordering labels in heatmaps

convert_aupr_to_ggplot.R convert AUPR plot to ggplot for pretty plotting

lmer_confidence_intervals.R confidence intervals for lmer linear mixed effects model


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